Thursday, February 2, 2012

Interview with Barb

 This month's design was selected by Barb.  Above is her finished and framed Garden of Love.  

I thought it might be fun if every month we learn a little something about the design selector.  I sent Barb some questions via e-mail and here are her answers.

Q:  What about this design called to you and/or why did you pick it?

A:   Nothing about this design called to me per se.  I chose it because it is a designer I had never stitched before and one that probably not too many people had in their stash.  Depending on the count of fabric used it can be framed or made into an ornament or pincushion. I thought the bright colors might appeal to some of those joining in for the year of smalls and thought it might be a good opportunity for some to try silks if they purchased the kitted version from IN.

Q:  Who are some of your favorite designers?

A:   There are no designers whose charts I buy sight unseen and there are no designers I can think of where I have loved all of their charts.  I am attracted to designs more than designers.  Some of my favorites are The Drawn Thread, Shepherd's Bush, Sampler Cove, Blackbird Designs, Primitive Traditions, Chessie & Me, and lots and lots of others.  Also included in the mix are counted canvas designers Nancy's Needle, Needle Delight Originals, Laura Perin, and Deb Bee's Designs.

Q:  When is your favorite time to stitch?

A:  Evenings and weekend afternoons/evenings are most often my available stitching times.  I get to stitch every day.

Q:  What is your favorite fabric to stitch on?

A:  Zweigert linens are my favorites - 36 and 40 are my favorite counts.  Lakeside Linen (which uses Zweigert linens) is my favorite hand-dyed fabrics.

Q:  How long have you been stitching and how did you learn?

A:  I have been stitching for 50+ years.  I first did some stitching in grammar school in Iowa - an appliqued cow on burlap in 1st grade, a yarn on burlap hairbrush and comb design in 2nd grade and an actual sampler with a variety of stitches as a Mother's Day gift in 3rd grade.  I designed my own crude sampler in Girl Scouts while working on embroidery badge, which included a variety of stitches and a hand sewn buttonhole.  I then moved into crewel and embroidery work and knitting and am fortunate that all of my early stitched works were held for me and are now framed in my home.  I didn't do much stitching for many years, but always did something crafty - made four or five latch hook rugs and wall hangings. most of which I still have, and did some Sunset Designs crewel kits, finally moving into counted cross stitch in the 90's when I stitched a few things from magazines and then discovered a real LNS and Shepherd's Bush designs.  Needless to say, I have made up for lost time with the many pieces I have completed and framed since that time. 

Above is Jayne's Garden of Love in progress.  I like it with the lighter linen color too!

Thank you Barb for picking such a great design.  Something different than many of us have seen.  And thank you for sharing your stitching self with us!


  1. I am so fortunate to have gotten to know Barb. She is a beautiful stitcher and a truely generous friend. Love the interview, Laura. Truly captures Barb's spirit.

  2. Barbara is the heart of our great stitching group!!! She is truly an artist with a needle.
    Jayne P.

  3. Loved the interview-so Barb. I agree with Linda; she is so generous and a very talented stitcher! I am so glad to have her as a friend! Great idea Laura

  4. Me too. I love barb and her stitching and her kind spirit. So glad to call her my friend!

  5. I agree with the previous posters!! Barb is a great stitcher and a great friend!! Love our group!!

  6. Nice interview, girls! I agree with the others. Barb generously lets me hang many of her beautiful stitcheries in my shop!

  7. Lovely finish and fun to read the interview and learn about another stitcher. Thank you Barb!

  8. Thanks for the interview Barb - nice to get to "know" you a little. Love your choice for February. When I first saw it posted I thought "oh hum" but I got it because I love Belle Soie silks and had all of them but one on hand including the called for linen so I took a chance and now that I am stitching it - I am really enjoying the bright colors. thanks Melody
